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2 reviews

Description: Immerse yourself in the enchanting flavors and delicate aromas of our Hibiscus Rose Tea. This captivating blend combines the tangy zest of hibiscus petals with the gentle floral notes of rose flowers, creating a delightful symphony of taste and aroma that will transport your senses to a world of vibrance and elegance.

Tangy and Floral Fusion: Our Hibiscus Rose Tea presents a delightful fusion of flavors, where the tangy and vibrant character of hibiscus petals intertwines with the soft, romantic essence of rose petals. Each sip reveals a vibrant and balanced taste, with the hibiscus delivering a zesty tartness and the rose petals imparting a subtle sweetness and floral allure, creating a captivating symphony on the palate.

Rich in Antioxidants and Potential Health Benefits: Our Hibiscus Rose Tea is brimming with antioxidants, including flavonoids and vitamin C, which help combat free radicals and support overall health. Hibiscus petals are also associated with potential health benefits such as aiding digestion, supporting a healthy immune system, and promoting cardiovascular well-being. Embrace the potential wellness aspects of this delightful tea blend while savoring its flavors.

Hot brew: 1 tbsp - 8oz water - 210°F - 2 minutes        Cold brew:  tbsp - 8oz water - refrigerator -  4 hours

Product information

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Susan Hardesty

I wanted this tea as a gift and am disappointed it is sold out. I'm enjoying mine.

Rebecca Trafton

This is without a doubt the best rose tea I have ever had and one of the best tisanes I have tasted anywhere. Thank you!

Thank you for choosing our tea, and we look forward to serving you more exquisite blends in the future. Cheers to many more delightful tea moments!

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How should I store my tea?

Our packaging is suitable to storing tea for extended periods of time so long as you reseal the packaging as airtight as you can, keep it in a room temperature and reasonably dry place away from light. If you do plan to transfer the tea to a different container, keep it mind that not only should it be airtight, but also keep out light. Thus avoid any glass or plastic that is transparent.

How long does tea stay fresh?

The tea that teawaves offers will stay fresh for up to eighteen months with the exception of the white tea whose flavor will enhance with age.

Where does your tea come from?

All of our tea comes from five tea gardens primarily in Fujian, China where our co-founder Joey is from and has familial ties and we can trust the tea growers and tea makers.

How does caffeine content vary between types of tea?

All tea that comes from the tea plant does have caffeine
that affects people’s bodies in different ways. No matter the tea, though, one
of the most important things we can stress is that the caffeine in tea is
different from the caffeine in coffee! With that being said, as a general
rule—caffeine is more potent in more oxidized teas (black tea), less potent in non-oxidized or hardly oxidized teas (green tea, white tea) and falls in the
middle with partially oxidized tea (oolong tea).